FOX31 Denver

Businesses in Level Blue Gilpin County ramping up, owners thankful

GILPIN COUNTY, Colo. (KDVR) — Twenty-five counties in Colorado are now in Level Blue, which means looser restrictions when it comes to COVID precautions.   

That designation is having a big impact on businesses – and they are thankful.   

On the streets of Central City, life is getting back to normal. At the EZ Street Casino, thanks to the blue level guidelines – things are much better.   

“Our capacity is heavier. We don’t have to do head counts and we’re able to sell liquor till midnight now it’s been good,” Ron Heusel, who manages the EZ Street Casino said.  

Crowds returning to casinos are also producing a spillover of customers at Mayor Willie’s Coffee and Donuts across the street. 

Owner Karen Beightol says, “It’s exciting because last year was almost a ghost town and no one could be out.” 

Beightol can’t wait for her homemade doughnuts to start selling like hot cakes – again.  

At the Visitor’s Center people are asking about when the Wild West street shows, the opera and the Creepy Crawl will return.  

Mike Keeler says they are all coming back, at some point.  

“I know we’ve been recognized as a blue county, but everybody is still real cautious. And why not with the casinos we bring in a lot of people,” Keeler said. 

In a town famous for gambling, all bets are big crowds will be back sooner than later.