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DENVER — We love our bikes and brews, and a local organization found a way to put the two together to help kids.

The Can’d Aid Foundation built 80 brand new bikes with the help of volunteers. And Wednesday, they donated them to second graders at Goldrick Elementary School in Denver.

Can’d Aid likes to call themselves “the people-powered organization that spreads do-goodery.”

They rallied dozens of volunteers to help put together brand new bikes. Some of the volunteers had no bike-building experience.

Sarah Leavitt, Can’d Aid’s Director of Operations and Programs, said, “That`s whats fun about this, you can just come and know nothing about bikes, they are pretty simple and we have volunteers to help you through the process so you can jump in get a wrench and get a kid riding tomorrow.”

The volunteers worked for a few hours at Stoney’s Bar and Grill.

The bikes were purchased thanks to Oskar Blues Brewery and Coors Distributing Company, who donated a dollar per case of beer sold in July and August.

“They are brand new bikes. We like giving brand new bikes directly to the kids because every kid remembers that first bicycle they get and sense of freedom that comes with a bike, we just love giving that gift to them and hopefully they will be active and outside for years to come,” Leavitt said.

Most of the kids have no idea they are getting a brand new bike to take home.

Sarah Leavitt got to deliver the news Wednesday afternoon at Goldrick Elementary School in Denver.

Some have never owned a bike before. “When they find out they`re getting a brand new bike, there`s just shock and joy and sometimes tears. They get to keep the bike and take it home.”

Can’d Aid has given away more than 1,200 bikes nationwide in the past three years. This is the same group that has sent thousands of cans of water to help in the hurricane recovery efforts. If you would like to find out how you can get involved in their do-goodery, just visit their website.