BOULDER (KDVR) – The Boulder County Crisis Fund is providing $100,000 to assist community healing efforts in response to the Boulder King Soopers shooting.
“The Boulder community continues to come together in moving ways, to rebuild a sense of security and community in the wake of this event,” said Tatiana Hernandez, CEO of Community Foundation Boulder County. “We hope this funding will inspire and support grassroots ideas that reinforce that we are Boulder Strong.”
The money will fund programs, events, projects, classes and services that assist the South Boulder community after the tragedy.
Grant proposal information is available online. Grants have a maximum amount of $10,000 and one grant can be awarded to each applicant on a rolling basis.
Request for proposals are being accepted until December 30, 2021.
The Boulder County Crisis Fund was established by Community Foundation Boulder County to support those directly and indirectly affected by the shooting.