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BOULDER, Colo. (KDVR) — The City of Boulder is holding a communitywide moment of silence to honor the lives lost from last week’s mass shooting.

The event, “Ten Together: Moment of silence for victims of the Boulder shooting” begins today at 8 p.m. and is open to all who wish to support wherever they might be. 

Participants are asked to step outside at 8 p.m. tonight and take 10 slow breaths, followed by 10 minutes of silence. Each breath and minute is meant to honor the 10 victims of the Boulder shooting. Those who participate are also invited to put a fire-safe candle or light in a front window. The city invites all participants to practice this event for 10 days. 

Social media users are encouraged to share their thoughts and support using the hashtags #BoulderStrong or #TenTogetherBoulder. Supporters can also add profile frames to their social media through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Content is available at, including a phone background, desktop background, printable posters, and more.