FOX31 Denver

Blow out the sprinkler system now to avoid costly repairs

DENVER — Yes, it seems like we are setting records for warm weather every day, but as most know, Colorado weather will change at a moment’s notice.

“By leaving your [sprinkler] system up and running after the first frost, you can risk serious damage and run the risk of having to make costly repairs to keep your sprinklers operating properly,” said Jervad Hitch, a licensed irrigation specialist. “Best to do it before the weather dips below 32 degrees.”

The blow-out process only takes a few minutes, but the real trick is getting on your lawn service’s schedule before the frost creeps in.

“I made the mistake of waiting and it cost me nearly $500,” homeowner Chuck Montera said. “I learned the hard way so now I just shut it down and blow it out religiously.”

Usually, the first frost has already it and it’s a good bet it will come before Halloween.
