This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

DENVER — An Auraria Campus dorm was evacuated on Saturday afternoon, because a suspicious package was found in the building.

Denver Police said the bomb squad will be checking out the package.

The dorm being evacuated was the Campus Village on the west side of the Auraria campus, at 318 Walnut St.

Sources told FOX31 Denver that a student at the Auraria campus reported his roommate built a bomb with chemicals and nails.

The suspect left yesterday but cops just found his dad’s beige 99 Lexus SUV in the parking lot, the source told FOX31 Denver.  The roommate took a photo of the bomb before he evacuated and it had red wires and a button attached.

Denver Police said that the package may be a homemade device, but can’t confirm for sure yet.

Roads within a one-block area are closed as a precaution.  

Nearly two hours later, Denver Police confirmed that the suspicious package was not an explosive device.

This story will be updated when more information becomes available.