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DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. (KDVR) — The Douglas County School Board has named two finalists in its search for the next superintendent. 

The board unanimously voted to name both Erin Kane and Danny Winsor as finalists. 

Erin Kane

Kane is the executive director of Schools for American Academy, which is a charter school in Douglas County serving nearly 3,000 students. She helped launch American Academy in 2004.

She also served as interim superintendent for Douglas County Schools from 2016-2018. At the time, she was not named as a finalist for the permanent superintendent job and returned to her leadership role at American Academy.

Her background is in project development, project management, education, consulting and practice management. 

Danny Winsor

Winsor is Douglas County School District’s executive director of schools for the Parker region. His responsibilities include overseeing the Choice Programming Department and postsecondary readiness regimes. 

He has been with the district for 13 years, where he previously served as director of Choice Programming, high school and middle school principal, assistant principal, teacher and coach. 

His background is in business, counseling psychology and educational leadership. 

Douglas County Schools superintendent finalists
Douglas County School District names Erin Kane and Danny Winsor as finalists for superintendent.

Board weighs in

Both candidates are Colorado natives. 

“I feel like both our candidates that we’re naming as finalists are viable finalists but I”m concerned with our process,” Board Director David Ray said during the meeting to finalize their choices. 

Ray said he is concerned with the number of applications the board received for consideration. A total of 23 people applied. After some withdrew their applications, the board screened 15 applicants. 

“We had 15 applicants that we looked at and when I compare that to a year ago, we have over 100. I feel like our process has not truly honored this incredibly critical position to our district,” Ray said. “To only have 25 people want to lead this incredible district, to me, is unacceptable.”

He also suggested adding a third candidate as a finalist: Dr. Chris Page, who is the principal at Highlands Ranch High School.

Four board members expressed support for moving Page forward to the interview phase.

“I would love to move forward to the next process with these three,” Board Director Kaylee Winegar said. 

However, she ultimately voted against adding him as a finalist, ending his bid for the position. 

Board Director Elizabeth Hanson proposed the board move forward with Danny Winsor as its sole finalist. 

“What I saw today from Mr. Winsor was an incredible opportunity to come together as a group of seven and say this individual has the ability to bridge the gap,” Hanson said. 

Her idea was shot down, as four other board members wished to continue considering Kane as well. 

Interviews set for March 3

Interviews with both Kane and Winsor will take place beginning at 12 p.m. on Thursday, March 3 during a special meeting of the Douglas County School Board. The interviews will be conducted during an open meeting, meaning the public will be able to watch. 

Following the interviews, the public is invited to complete a feedback form on each finalist. 

At the board meeting on March 8, the board will hear public comments regarding the two finalists. 

On March 10, the finalists will go before interview panels made up of staff, students, parents and community members. This will be followed by a community forum at 5 p.m. on March 10 where the public can hear from the finalists. 

A final opportunity for public comment will happen at the board meeting on March 22. 

No votes or final decisions can be made prior to the board’s meeting on March 22.