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DENVER — Potholes are a sure sign of spring in Colorado. Whether on highways or side streets, deep potholes can easily damage vehicles.

The city and county of Denver told the FOX31 Problem Solvers they have received at least 27 complaints about potholes causing damage so far this year.

Colorado’s spring weather can range from searing heat to freezing temperatures. Potholes are created when moisture seeps into the cracks of a roadway surface.

“(The pavement) expands and then it freezes. Then, when it thaws, an empty space is left behind,” said Heather Burke of Denver Public Works.

Denver’s paving program and the Elevate Denver Bond provide repair crews with resources to repair problem areas as fast as possible.

“Our crews fill potholes every day. We’re repaving a lot of the streets in the city,” Burke said.

The city isn’t bound to pay for any vehicle damage unless a pothole has been reported.  The Public Works Department then has three business days (weekends not included) to fix it.

“Our crews will fix it within 24 to 72 hours, but most are filled within 48 hours, weather permitting,” Burke said.

The City  Attorney’s office told FOX31 none of the drivers who have filed damage complaints this season have received compensation because the pothole they hit was never reported.

Reporting potholes can expedite the effort to ensure a smoother ride for everyone.

To file a report for a pothole in Denver proper, call 311 or visit the city’s website.