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DENVER — The idea that millennials are “killing things” might have started on Twitter as a sarcastic meme, but now it’s gone mainstream.

Publications such as Business Insider, Forbes and Market Watch have come up with their own lists, claiming our fellow Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 have changed or even “killed” many of the norms of previous generations.

Napkins, cereal and brick and mortar stores have reportedly been hit especially hard.

Some analysts chalk it up to getting “psychologically scarred” during the Great Recession and changing their buying habits.

But marriage is also losing its popularity. One study found marriage rates among millennials are plummeting and concluded a majority of people younger than 34 are refusing to get married.

A report by the Pew Research Center found 25 percent of millennials are likely to never be married. The same study predicts people younger than 35 will be single forever.

There are some of the other things millennials are accused of killing.

  • Casual chain restaurants such as Buffalo Wild Wings, Applebees and Ruby Tuesday.
  • Home ownership
  • Movie theaters
  • Cable TV
  • Diamonds
  • Cereal
  • Napkins