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CRESTED BUTTE, Colo. — Resident Rob Boyle is like Paul Bunyan with a shovel. In January, Boyle only put down his shovel to eat and sleep.

“I’m in the property manager biz. Last year, I didn’t shovel at all, but this year I have 28 houses on my list,” Boyle said.

Eleven feet of snow fell in Crested Butte in January. The weight of that snow has the potential to collapse a roof and should be removed.

Colder temperatures deliver lighter, drier snow.

“The cold temperatures today made the snow slide off the roof a little faster,” Boyle said. “Just have to break off a chunk and push it down hill.”

Boyle has some help with this monumental task.

“I’ve got a couple hard working guys that are helping me and they are doing an amazing job,” he said. “All this shoveling has cut into my ski time, but my true passion is running rivers. I know it will be a great summer of rafting and kayaking.”