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BRIGHTON, Colo. — Brighton resident Sandra Boles doesn’t have any children, but she still has plenty of mouths to feed. Twenty-two to be exact.

Boles is a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

Squirrels, muskrats, beavers and foxes have all been helped by Boles.

But it’s safe to say her favorite is the raccoon. “They are just incredibly sweet and smart and I just love them,” Boles said.

But not everyone shares her compassion for the nocturnal scavenger.

On July 4, somebody left a baby raccoon, dead and mutilated, in a box on her driveway. It was discovered by one of her volunteers. “I actually became very tearful, disgust, shocked that somebody would mutilate an animal like that.”

The Adams County Sheriff’s Department was called and they took a report, but offered little hope of finding those responsible. Right now, Boles can only guess. “Someone that doesn’t like wildlife, raccoons in particular.”

Boles will continue her work, helping those animals that can’t help themselves.