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DENVER — Contractors working on a home in Denver unearthed a mystery that could be 100 years old. On Tuesday, Ray Evridge and his son were tearing up the floorboard on a home in the 3800 block of Adams Street when they discovered shoes belonging to a toddler.

“My son Sebastian put a light up underneath and that’s when we found the remains, the bones.”

Evridge said he found several bones, possibly belonging to a toddler. He was working on replacing the home’s water lines when he made the discovery. He thinks the shoes were from the 1920s or 30s because of the style of the shoe. “We stopped everything,” said Evridge.

Denver police said they are working on an investigation into the bones, but won’t comment until the coroner determines if they are from a human.

Records show the home was built in 1905 and has had multiple owners. Trying to determine how long the bones have been in the back of the home could be a secret the person who buried them takes to their grave.

“It could be somebody’s child, somebody’s grandchild, sister or brother. We wanted to make sure if it was that somebody knew about it,” Evridge said.