Parents in Missouri are outraged over a letter their kids brought home from school.
Parents said the letters are making kids overly concerned about their weight.
“She wanted to know if it meant that she was fat because she saw lose weight on it,” Moss said.
Amanda Moss says her daughter Kylee came home with a note from her teacher.
“Whenever she read it, she only needed help with one word and that was body composition, and when she knew that her number was bigger than the number for her age, she knew that it meant something,” said Moss.
Kylee is seven years-old. She’s 3″10 and weighs 54 pounds.
Moss said, “It was frightening to know that a child in second grade would worry about what their body image is.”
Moss said she felt the note should’ve been sealed and sent home strictly for parents. She’s not the only parent who feels this way.
“We know that he has a health problem, and we don’t need a letter to remind me of that,” Hickam said.
Heidi Hickam said her ten year old son, Kaleb, has a liver disease and is already insecure about his weight.
Hickam said, ” If they’re going to send it home without it being in an envelope , where it’s exposed where all the kids can get into someone’s backpack and see the biggest kid in the class’s BMI and then maybe tease and bully him about it.”
The Belton superintendent said the notes are sent home with every elementary school student in the district to promote healthy lifestyle.
“We did not mean anything malicious by it, I think our teachers are just really trying to help out,” the superintendent said.
Moss said the school went about the whole thing in an inappropriate way.
“Here’s this information, your child doesn’t fit into this, here’s what you can do to make your child fit and to me that’s completely against what they’ve been teaching to accept each other and to not discriminate,” said Moss.