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DENVER — A bit of a mystery is how city Public Works folks and business owners along 17th Avenue in Denver put things, when talking about the situation with some of the historic lighting which lines the avenue.

“We have more than 100 lights which simply won’t/can’t be turned on, and no one knows why,” says Soul House owner, Chris Bacorn. “We wanted to put in green lights to declare the strip from Lincoln to York as the first ‘green-business strip’ in America, but the lights won’t turn on!”

City planners say they have no idea who put the decorative lights in, what gird they might be hooked up to or where any power might have been coming from when they did work.

Some business owners are thinking of placing solar power panels on the poles to power the lamps, but for the most part, many just put in their own secondary lighting to give patrons light at night. A mystery for sure on 17th Avenue.