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DENVER — The Marijuana Enforcement Division of the Colorado Department of Revenue announced Thursday there was 100 percent compliance during underage checks at marijuana businesses.

The division, working with the Denver Police Department, said all 16 of the regulated marijuana businesses were in compliance of not making sales to minors during recent checks.

“It is imperative that we keep marijuana out of the hands of kids. These results show that strong efforts are being made by the MED and the marijuana business licensees to do just that,” said Barbara Brohl, the executive director of the Colorado Department of Revenue.

Selling marijuana to a minor can result in a business losing its license and a fine of up to $100,000.

There have been 20 underage compliance checks in Denver and Pueblo the past few months, with all of the businesses being found to be in compliance.

“The Division prides itself on ensuring public safety; we are pleased with the results and will continue to monitor the businesses to ensure that the compliance efforts are maintained,” said Lewis Koski, director of the Marijuana Enforcement Division.