DENVER (KDVR) — A Denver animal shelter has received 19 dogs to help a Kentucky shelter after the devastation from flooding has overrun theirs.
The Kentucky Humane Society transported more than 100 dogs and cats from the Kentucky River
Regional Animal Shelter and Floyd County Animal Shelter on Saturday. They are dispersing them across the county to make room for displaced or injured pets after the flooding.
Nineteen of those dogs were brought to a shelter in Denver, Dumb Friends League. Once the dogs arrived in their transport vehicle they were evaluated for any issues and given any medical attention or treatment needed.
Andrea Lawless, the population coordinator with Dumb Friends League, said, “It’s important to our shelter to help other shelters in need, especially when there are natural disasters when they are in special need of relief services like this.”
Those animals left in Eastern Kentucky will hopefully be reunited with their families.
All 19 of the dogs were already available for adoption in Kentucky, so their goal is to get them online and up for adoption as soon as possible.
”They’re already in a high-stress situation and so it’s nice for them to come here and so we can do everything as quickly as possible so they can go to a home,” Lawless said.
Coloradans can also donate to help the League support the care and nutritional needs of the Kentucky
dogs at the Dumb Friends League website. You can also visit that site in the coming days to adopt one of the Kentucky dogs.