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DENVER (KDVR) — If you live in Colorado, you might have been told to wait until Mother’s Day to plant flowers or turn on your sprinklers. But with no snow this April, is it safe to start early?

The short answer is, there’s a reason we tell you to wait until the second week of May. It’s all based on the climatology data for Denver.

The average date of our last freeze is May 4. A freeze happens when temperatures fall to or below 32 degrees.

The earliest date of the last freeze in Denver was April 5, both in 1977 and 1981. The latest into the spring-summer season Denver has had freezing temperatures was June 8, 2007.

The map below shows when the average last freeze happens for different parts of Colorado.

On the Eastern Plains, the last freeze on average is in early May. For most of Denver and areas just east of Interstate 25, the average last freeze is late May.

In higher elevations, Colorado’s mountain towns can see freezing temperatures into June and July.

Although the Front Range has been relatively warm and dry lately, there is still the potential for near-freezing temperatures on Sunday and Tuesday mornings this week. There could also be places that see snow mixing in, depending on when the precipitation falls late Sunday into Monday.

The Pinpoint Weather Team will keep an eye on it. But if planting now, it’s best to have them in pots and bring them inside if temperatures get too cold or have a way to cover them up.