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THORNTON, Colo. (KDVR) — A popular Thornton restaurant has had a tough week: outdoor heater stolen, outdoor tent collapsed.

The misfortune happened at Lisa’s Place. The propane-forced heater was stolen from the back of the business, Monday night.

“It’s crazy, just crazy what people do, anymore,” manager Mona Lewis said.

The outdoor tent, also in the back of the business, collapsed during Wednesday night’s snow storm.
“It just completely broke everything,” she said.

Lisa’s Place is located at 102nd and Washington. It opened in 1983. The popular eatery plans to keep on serving breakfast.

“We’re gonna get this back in order,” Lewis said. “It might be a little bit. We’re going do anything and everything, in our power, to get it going to where we can be able to have all of it open.”