LONGMONT, Colo. (KDVR) — An iguana seemingly abandoned or lost at high elevation this summer is on the verge of finding a home.
“Miles is very lucky,” Ann-Elizabeth Nash of the Colorado Reptile Humane Society (CoRHS) said. “He was found very quickly in the park and hadn’t experienced a lot of cold nights.”
The iguana named Miles was discovered by a boater at Eleven Mile State Park near Lake George last July.
“It was on his boat and it crawled right up on his shoulder and he brought it to us,” Colorado Parks and Wildlife Eleven Mile State Park Manager Darcy Mount said. “He was very cold when we found him and very thin.”
Mount was quick to turn up the heat in her office to help the estimated two-year-old iguana recover from cool temperatures.
“He needs about 90 degrees Fahrenheit, about 12 hours a day,” Nash said.
Miles was brought to the CoRHS where he is pending adoption.
“We’re screening applications right now,” Nash said. “We think we probably already have that owner in the mix.”
Animal advocates using Miles’ story to stress that there are plenty of resources for people to safely give up their pets, noting abandoning an animal is unsafe for the pet and the surrounding habitat.
“The truth is that people are dumping animals in the wilderness. It’s cruel,” Mount said. “In today’s age, dumping animals is completely unnecessary.”