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MOUNT EVANS WILDERNESS AREA, Colo. KDVR) – A bull elk was videotaped by a trail camera showing him with an automobile tire around his neck.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Officer Scott Murdoch talks about the difficulties locating the elk and when they might be able to find him.

“If you live where wildlife live you should walk around your property and clean things up and take down any sort of obstacle that may impede wildlife movement or entangle them.”

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Officer Scott Murdoch

Murdoch said the unfortunate elk was first spotted in July 2019 during a sheep count in the Mount Evans Wilderness Area with the tire around its neck.

The elk, which is about 2 to 3 years old, has been spotted six times: twice in person and four times on trail cams.

The best chance of finding and tranquilizing the elk is during rut season, when the elk might move to the Evergreen area in search of a mate. During the rut, Murdoch said bull elks usually lose inhibition and might travel to an area where it is more likely to be spotted.

Officer need to be within 20 to 40 yards of the elk to tranquilize it.

Murdoch expressed concern that the elk could become entangled with another bull during the rut, then one or both of the animals could die.