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THORNTON, Colo. — Almost a year has passed since Scott Ostrem is accused of walking into a Thornton Walmart store and opening fire, killing three people.

However, it seems like just weeks ago for the families of many of the victims.

“It’s going to be almost a year, so it’s going to be rough,” said Ceci Cruz.

Her two daughters lost their father, Victor Vasquez, in the shooting.

“No kids deserve to have their parents leave at that age,” she said.

Vasquez was one of the three people shot and killed that November day. Family members are now learning Ostrem has struck a plea deal with prosecutors that could spare him from the death penalty.

A hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday in Adams County.

While many family members of the victims are struggling to process the news that Ostrem has struck a deal, Cruz says she feels nothing.

“I don’t have any feelings toward it,” she said. ” don’t have hate toward him or what he did or anything. I just feel numb. I don’t have any feelings at all.

“I just wish he could tell us why, at least give us an answer why he did it.”

Cruz said her focus has been on her 6- and 7-year-old girls who still often cry themselves to sleep.

“It’s always the nights. They’re so small. They just don’t understand. I try my best to comfort them,” she said.

Her hope is the girls will grow up happy, able to live life without hate for the man accused of killing their father.

“I don’t have hate,” Cruz said. “I don’t want them to have hate toward him for what he did. Things happen in life. No one knows what goes through people’s head.”