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HARPURSVILLE, N.Y. — A popular YouTube live stream of a giraffe that is about to give birth at a New York adventure park was yanked on Thursday morning for “sexual content.”

A live shot from Animal Adventure Park was keeping an eye on April the giraffe as she was about to give birth to her fourth calf when YouTube cut the feed.

“There’s a handful of extremists and animal rights activists that may not agree with us — and that’s OK — but have unfortunately reported our YouTube cam as sexually explicit or nude content, which has made for its removal from YouTube,” a park official said on Facebook.

The park official said since the live shot went live Wednesday, there have been 20 million to 30 million views waiting for the 15-year-old giraffe to give birth.

The park said it put up the live feed as an educational tool.

“So instead of sitting behind a keyboard or holding up protest signs, I encourage the animal rights activists: Get behind conservation,” the park official said. “We’re all on the same team. We want what’s best for these animals.

“By kicking our live stream offline, you have literally removed an educational tool and you have harmed the species’ survival more than you can ever recognize.

The giraffe had not given birth as of Thursday morning and the park vowed to live stream the event on Facebook when she goes into labor. Park officials also are working to get the live stream back up on YouTube.

“I would hope that YouTube can realize that there was no pornography or nudity on our live giraffe cam and will put us back up again soon,” the official said.